Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hospitality of New Orleans?
Hospitality of New Orleans is a full-service luxurious vacation rental company serving New Orleans.
Where can I read reviews?
If you want to read all the nice things our guests have to say about us, visit each individual property booking page.
What amenities does Hospitality of New Orleans offer?
With Hospitality of New Orleans, you get a home to yourself and you can expect sparkling spaces, crisp linens, (free) WiFi, and toiletries (those tiny shampoo bottles you like). Oh, and our favorite New Orleans goodies.
Can I cancel or modify my reservations if I need to?
Yes. However, we request that you contact us 48 days prior to canceling. If you need to modify your reservations, we would ask that you email or call us. Cancellations are subject to our cancellation policies.
What is the cancellation and refund policy?
After your reservation is confirmed you have free cancellation for 48 hours. A full refund will be given to you within this period if check in is at least 14 days away. After 48 hours, if you want to cancel you will get a 50% refund minus the service fee. Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if you cancel 7 days before check in.
Are your properties kid friendly?
Absolutely. We love kids and offer a variety of kid-friendly homes and amenities.
Do you have cribs or baby beds?
We have a pack & play and a high chair available upon request
Are your properties pet friendly?
Let your pets have that secret life of pets’ adventure while you’re having fun in New Orleans. We love animals; however, we ask that you keep your pets at home to be courteous to others who might have allergies.
Where are the Hospitality of New Orleans offices located?
Our office headquarters is located on 3535 Canal St., New Orleans LA 70119.
Do your properties have wheelchair access?
Unfortunately, the only two properties that are wheelchair accessible are Union and La Maison Du Lac. We will do our best to accommodate every guest who needs assistance in all the properties. If you need assistance, please call your host.
What is the busiest time and least busy times of year in New Orleans?
Spring is our busiest time of year due to the Jazz Fest, Mardi Gras, French Quarter Fest, etc… Summer tends to be slower season.
Are check in/out times flexible?
Our standard check-in time is 3 p.m. Check-out is at 11 a.m. An earlier check-in and later check-out can be arranged depending on availability. Please ask your host for more information.
Is luggage storage available?
Yes. Luggage storage is available while you and your family wait to check in. It is also available if you have a later flight. Please ask your host for more information.
What are the Hospitality of New Orleans house rules?
  1. No Smoking. We ask that you please don’t smoke or throw away cigarette buds in the trash cans on our properties as it may be unpleasant to others.
  2. No Pets. Unfortunately, we ask that you keep your pets at home or have someone pet sit them. As much as we love our furry friends, we don’t want to run the risk of those with allergies not having a good time.
  3. Please check-in any time after 3PM to give others time to check out, and please check out by 11AM so we have time to prepare for the new guests who are arriving.
Is there parking?
Each property has a different parking situation. If you have any concerns about parking, meter hours, or where to park, feel free to visit this site –
Will there be someone to greet us at the property?
We try our best to have someone there at the properties to greet our guests. If we are not able to meet you, all of our apartments are equipped for self-check in.
Who do I contact if I have tv or internet problems?
If you are having Wi-Fi connection problems, we suggest first disconnecting from all Wi-Fi networks & reconnecting. If this doesn’t work, please email or call your host.
Is there a lost and found if I leave something at one of the properties?
Yes. If you or anyone you know has left anything behind while staying at one of our properties, please contact the property host who helped you during your stay. They will do their best to find your belongings and get them back to you. If you cannot get in touch with that particular host, our other staff can assist you too. We encourage you to leave a voicemail with a name, what you’ve lost, and a way to reach you if we miss you, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

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